About Mom and Ideas

Mom & Ideas is the brainchild of a mom who had her first baby at the age of forty. Planning a baby, a dream since long, was a big decision for a woman suffering from fibromyalgia. It meant going off all the medicines and treatments for over a year before planning, being able to manage the daily life while learning to live with chronic illness without any meds until breastfeeding the baby, and most importantly, being mentally prepared to give her hundred percent in raising the child well. So this meant, doing not just the homework but acing at it!

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but when the child’s mother battles a chronic illness with very limited energy levels, it means a whole lot of preparation and work before and after having the baby.

Hence, even before planning a baby, this mom did extensive reading and research – articles on childbirth, raising a baby, parenting, cooking for babies and kids, their health, education, DIY art and craft for kids, activities with kids… every single aspect related to being a mother. She spoke to almost every mom she knew to gain from their experience and advice. She understood raising children in various ages of their growth and development by talking to friends who had kids from age one to eighteen. As her baby turns eighteen months during the creation of this website, the mom continues to read, research and learn from her own experience too.

This website, is an attempt to share that knowledge and experience to benefit all the women planning to be a mom and existing parents. It is also aimed to be a trusted resource for everything related to parenting while this mom shares her journey of motherhood.

Hope you benefit from the Mom & Ideas initiative. Here’s to happy parenting!

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